Thursday, September 11, 2008


I dont really like to talk about September 11. I dont think my opinion is usually taken in in a positive way by most people and I really dont like to stir things up in that regard, especially when its about something so sensitive as terrorist attacks. I guess to sum up how i feel, i like this quote by Howard Zinn in his book, Terrorism and War. "...not that this mourning for the victims of the Twin Towers is misplaced. Yes, we should mourn. But why can't we also mourn for people in other countries who have been victims of deliberate human profiteering and war?"
I understand that what happened on September 11 was a massive tragedy. I cried like everyone else. But I also feel for people around the world who suffer tragedies that are brought on by our own government and corporations. Why do we forget about these people and their families too? Why do we act as though our country is the only one that matters? Why do we feel so superior that the lives of those lost oversees dont mean as much? Why are we so selfish that we choose to look the other way when our government and military murder thousands upon thousands? Many other countries have endured acts of terrorism some even more horrific than September 11.
I guess, today, as I reflect on what happened here 7 years ago, I will also think of the families worlwide of those who lost their lives in terrorist attacks. Even if it was the US who caused these deaths. I wont be so "patriotic" to forget about these people.

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